Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fast Food

I have ate fast food through out my whole life, from burgers to fried chicken at KFC. When I was a child I ate fast food often it was usually a decision between Carl’s Jr. or Taco Bell occasionally we would venture in to McDonald’s. Fast food was so easy when I got picked up from school we would gab a quick bite to eat and then go to practice. If we went to Carl’s I would get a number one with cheese; the number one consists of a cheeseburger, a medium French fry and a medium soda. Whenever I went to taco bell I would always get a burrito supreme and a side nacho. Whenever I could get me parents to take me to McDonalds I would get a chicken nugget meal with a medium soda. At the time I was young and didn’t realize what I was actually eating and it tasted so good I didn’t care what it was made out of.
I live at home with my dad and brother; my dad is not home often so it is easier and cheaper to get something off of the value menu. I know it is not healthy but I can’t afford to cook at home every night nor do I have enough time. Whenever I can, I cook at home for myself or throw a TV diner in the microwave.  Fast food does play a large roll in my life, I eat it often not by choice just but because its fast and easy. When I work I only have a thirty-minute lunch and usually I forget to make a lunch so fast food it is. My job is in a shopping center, and there are plenty of fast food restaurants near by. I no fast food is bad for my health and I no I need to stop eating it soon.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Past, Present, and Future

Hello every one my name is Dustin. I was born and raised in beautiful Oxnard California. Growing up my brother Connor and I were very close and got in to a lot of trouble together as well as fished every opportunity we had. My mother was a stay at home mom and took very good care of my brother and I as we went through school. My father was and still is a fire fighter for Los Angeles City. As I was growing up, I was always visiting my dads’ different fire stations and getting tours of all the fire engines. I always thought it was so cool how he got paid to hang out with his friends, watch television and ate great food. When I was a little older I started to realize it wasn’t just fun and games yet, he was actually putting his life on the line for others every day he went to work. Growing up around fire fighters my only career goal was to become a fire fighter. I graduated from Oxnard high school in 2008 and that summer I enrolled in OC to pursue my dream to be a fire fighter.
In present time I am pursuing my AA. Not only am I going to school full time, but I’m also working two jobs. One being my life long passion as a commercial fisherman, which I have to add is the best job to have while in college. Also I have found myself working at a boating store for the last three year in order to contribute to my fishing habits. Life at the moment is not too bad. I’m also pretty lucky to have a girlfriend for the last five years, and who is my best friend and a great tutor. I’ve found myself balancing school, work, family, and friends, yet at times it may be hard I know I would not change this journey.
My future planes consist of many goals. Most importantly I want to continue my education with a degree in Criminal Justice. In recent time I have realized and explored many aspects of the police department, which is why my future goal is to become a police officer. I also intend to continue my passion for fishing and explore many countries around the world.  Lastly I hope to live a positive and healthy life with people I love.