Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Text messaging

            I can proudly call myself part of the text messaging generation. Weather it be positive or negative text messaging has had an extreme significant impact on our society. Text messaging is everywhere you look form billboards to television shows.  Most game shows or talent shows on TV ask you to text your favorite contestants name to a certain number, in previous years you could just call and listen to a recording.  Text messaging has got so popular that people do it while they drive, which in result has driven lawmakers to ban text messaging while driving.   Many people were very mad about these laws being made, but in reality it was a good thing. I think everyone who drives has at least one time or another seen another person text while driving and it is not safe at all even people who jus talk on the phone while driving aren’t safe.
            Text messaging is the new instant messenger; texting has transformed communication in many ways. People whom text message start to understand the texting lingo for OMG to LOL which cant be good for society.  I feel bad for elementary English teachers because I am sure text messaging makes there job a whole lot harder.


  1. Texting is for sure the new way of life! its way easyier and quicker then calling.

  2. Thanks for the sympathy for English teachers--extend it to all levels--not just elementary!

  3. I agree, the new laws passed banning texting and driving are a great thing!
